Over the next four weeks, my newest book, Hospice Tails, which describes my experiences as a hospice social worker with clients and their pets, will be featured on a dozen popular blogs.
If you have a moment, stop by to visit the blogs hosting Hospice Tails. You can read reviews, interviews with me, and guest posts that I have written. I will also be responding to readers' questions and comments. Better yet, many of the blogs are giving away free copies of Hospice Tails to a few lucky winners.
So, be sure to follow along as Hospice Tails tours the Internet.
Hospice Tails Blog Tour Schedule:
November 21 - WOW! Women on Writing Blog, The Muffin
November 22 - Writers Inspired
November 23 - Sugar Peach
November 28 - My Reading Room
November 29 - Lisa Is a Bookworm
November 30 - Kritter's Ramblings
December 6 - Mom-E-Centric (listen to my very first podcast)
December 7 & 8 - Crazy for Books
December 13 - Selling Books
December 14 - Me and Reading
December 15 - The Caregiver's Voice
December 23 - Reviews by Molly